The Bible

The Bible is the Word of God.  II Timothy 3: 16

The word inspired is the Greek word Theopneustos. Theos - God, pneo -to breath

Old Testament Authority -

Over 3,800 times "Thus says the Lord" is used.

Examples of Old Testament writers claiming authority for the Old Testament:

Daniel 9: 2 - Daniel calls Jeremiah's writings Scripture.

Deuteronomy  4: 2 - Moses claims what he commanded was the command of the Lord.

2 Samuel 23:2 - David claims divine inspiration for his writings.

See Also - Jeremiah 1: 9, Ezekiel 3 : 4, Micah 3: 8

New Testament Authority

2 Peter 1: 16 - 21, 2 Peter 3: 16 - Peter refers to the Old Testament and to Paul's writing Scripture.

In I Timothy 5: 18 - Paul quotes Luke calling what he wrote Scripture.

The Bible is "eternal truth" - Psalm 19: 7, Psalm 119: 160, Isaiah 40: 8

Jesus acknowledged the authority of Scripture, its reliability and relevance.  Matthew 22: 29 -33, Matthew 5: 18, John 10: 35. (In Matthew 4: 4, 7, 10 He quotes Scripture to answer Satan.)

The purposes of God's Word:

It plays a vital role in salvation - Romans 1: 16,10: 17; I Peter 1: 23

I t helps produce personal purity - Psalm 119: 9 -11

It reveals Christ to us - John 5: 39

It produces growth and success -  Joshua 1: 8

It is our spiritual food - Jeremiah 15: 16, I Peter 2: 2

It leads us and guides us - Psalm 119: 105, II Timothy 3: 16 - 17

It produces wisdom - Psalm 119: 99, 130

I t produces a powerful personal ministry - Hebrews 4: 12, II Timothy 2: 15

Read Psalm 119 - What else does it say about the Word of God?


Read, study and learn God's Word.

Obey God's Word - Luke 6: 46 - 49

Value God's Word - Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 19: 9 - 11

Permission is granted to use this Bible Study outline for personal study and small groups only. 

Study written by Bob Krepps  © 1994 all rights reserved


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